February 11, 2011

Sanibel Island

I first heard about Sanibel Island in the late 1950s and have always wanted to go. Well this was the day and how fun that Chris, Darla, Mary, Courteney, and Will were with me.  First stop: food at the Lazy Flamingo.

We did not come to Florida to eat steak so we were eating a variety of seafoods.

The waitress showed us how to shuck raw oysters. I did not tell her that I knew because anytime someone wants to shuck my oysters I am ok with it. Chris looked on as Darla mastered the art.

Then it was time to head to Bowman's Beach. Did I mention that the weather had turned cold and breezy? I was sure glad I had a hooded sweatshirt along.

I guess we were practicing the Sanibel Stoop as we walked along looking at the many shells.

Niles and Courteney loved romping in the waves while Will watched so we left them to play and went in search of dessert.

We heard that the cake at the Bubble Room was not to be missed. The gaily painted buildings welcomed us in out of the chilly air. Their website conveys the atmosphere.  Do check it out!

The Bubble Room was not open yet so we enjoyed a little time in the Emporium. Darla never knows what granddaughter item she might find.

We were very good and only ordered two pieces of cake to share for the four of us. May we recommend the orange and the chocolate. We ate the cake so fast that we did not even get a picture.

Will caught up with us and fit right in with the employees. They rather enjoyed his visit. I am still trying to figure out why he had this hat along with him on a trip to Florida. 

Another day in paradise!

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