February 22, 2011

Boat float

Would I like to go for a boat ride in the bay? You bet! So Mary and I were invited to go along for lunch. Mary belongs to the yacht club (you don't have to have a boat)! Those who do have boats take the group to lunch when the water is high enough to get down the river, so 65 traveled downstream on this beautiful sunny day.

We have to follow those in front of us much of the way as there is not room to pass until we are in the bay.

The Parrot Key Caribbean Grill in Estero Bay was our destination. The food was good, the atmosphere better, and the companionship was great.

I was on the boat with Bonnie, Mary,  Ann, Neil, and John, some of Mary's friends from Pennsylvania.

After lunch we piled back on Neil and Ann's boat and took a tour of the bay.

We came down the Estero River from the Koreshan Unity site and went around the small island just east of the Mound House, also boating all along the back side of Ft. Meyers Beach Island.

Some fellows were learning to maneuver their paddle boards. Had it been less windy we would have motored out into the gulf.

I was just happy to be zipping along in the fresh air and sunshine.

If you wait too long then the tide goes out and you can't get back up the winding river.

We did not see any manatees but saw lots of dolphins along the way.

This fellow seemed to be waiting to greet us when we arrived back at the dock.

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