August 22, 2010

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore is a treasure located on the western shore of northern Michigan. Our campsite was under tall pines and oaks and quite spacious.

One of our first adventures was to drive north through the park. We took the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive and stopped at the dunes overlook.

In the distance is one of the Manitou Islands. Indian legend believes that a mother bear and her two cubs were swimming across Lake Michigan. The mother bear made it to shore but the two cubs drowned. North and South Manitou Islands represent the cubs. The mother bear sleeps on shore waiting for their arrival.

Lots of folks choose to climb up and down in the sand. I choose to just watch them. Walking in deep sand isn't as easy as it once was.

North Bar Lake lies alongside Lake Michigan. Sometimes it is closed off from the lake and at other times the sand washes away allowing a passage between the two.

At the south end of the park is Little Betsie Light Station. It is being refurbished by the national park to appear as it did in 1944.

Not far from the lighthouse is this lovely stretch of beach.

Just below it the beach has eroded badly and these metal "fences" have been placed along the shore to stop the erosion. Some provide private little beach areas.

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