August 14, 2010

Chicago, IL

The south shore commuter train to Chicago stops only 1/4 mile from Dunes Campground so for $3.40 why would we not take a train ride into Chicago?!

We were entertained by policemen throughout the day zipping around on their scooters.

We headed north on Michigan Avenue and shopped along the magnificent mile.

We stopped at the Chicago River for pictures but did not realize at the time that the second building from the right was where my niece and nephew lived.

We learned along the avenue that there was an airshow that could be seen from Oak Street Beach, which became our destination.

Soon after we arrived among the show began.

It was magnificent with corkscrews, stalls,  a mile high heart, upside down loops, and much more. We would liked to have stayed longer but there was more to see and do.

We strolled among the crowds. I was surprised at how many people were on the streets.

We passed several street entertainers.

Finally we arrived back at Millenium Park where I spotted some refreshing water.

The kidney bean soon got our attention. Nothing like taking pictures of ourselves. Can you find us?

After having lunch in the park our tired feet managed to get us back to the Milennium Station for a ride back to Indiana. A fun day indeed!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Isn't the bean awesome? Glad you saw it and the Marina Towers as well.