August 27, 2010

Mackinac Island, Michigan

While strolling the boardwalk we watched the three ferry lines transport people back and forth between St. Ignace and Mackinac Island.

We chose the catamaran for our adventure to the island.

Since there are no cars on the island everything is done using horses or bicycles.

The Grand Hotel is an extravagant place and probably the best known location on the island. It sits towards the top of the bluff overlooking Lake Huron.

Along the shoreline the road is flat that circles the island. We went on a Friday and I would imagine on the weekend it is next to impossible to find a parking place for your bicycle.

There are large homes on the island. Most seem to have a turret including the new homes being built.

Many of them are used for bed and breakfasts such as the Harbor View.

"We biked it, we liked it!!" The 8 mile path leads around the entire island and is quite flat and lovely. On the back side of the island there are no shops; just the seashore and a constant breeze.

On the island you can rent a horse, or a horse and buggy, or ride the sightseeing wagons. That could make for quite a mess if these guys weren't constantly scooping!

Everyone seemed to be having fun. We were relieved to finish our 8 mile ride since we had probably already ridden three.

We initially took off looking for the Iriquoy for lunch but I got my Indians mixed up! Without checking my notes I spotted Algonguin Street on the map and assumed the restaurant was in that location. So off we rode up the hill and down Annex Road. We finally met a lady who had lived on the island for fifty years and informed us there was no Algonquin Restaurant! She suggested we ride on down Annex Road to the Stonecliff Restaurant. Here we saw some of the wooded area of the island on top of the bluff which was good because the Stonecliff wasn't open for lunch. We finally made it back down the hill and located a restaurant 90 minutes and several miles later. So much for relying on my memory and not my notes!!! Coming back into town we were greeted by lots of balloons floating overhead.

Quite a nice neighborhood along the shoreline.

Everyone is bustling down along the docks. There are plenty of shops, restaurants, and tourists.

Horses are lined up near the ferry docks waiting for more tourists.

The horses and pedestrians do have the right of way but I am not sure everyone knows that.

We arrived back at the docks where this driver was waiting to unload something while others waited to load themselves and their bikes onto the ferry.

I just knew exactly how this guy felt! But what a glorious day it was. Yes, we saw the Arch Rock but no, we did not climb the steps. No, we did not go back up the hill and tour the fort. Maybe next time.

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