March 15, 2013

Day tripping

I gave an old RVing friend, who lives about an hour from Austin, a call and how fun it was to meet for lunch. Alice and I had travelled to many of the same get togethers over the years but I haven't seen her in six years.

She used to live in Austin so we found ourselves down by the river with cameras in hand. Photography is one of her favorite pastimes. She knew of this good spot to get a view of the Austin skyline,

It was strange that she chose to eat at Shady Grove because we had been there the previous night with Kelly, Finn, and Sean. While we were eating the first night a van pulled up in the parking lot and serenaded us with live music.

Finn likes to clap and got some practice here.

The weather was beautiful while we were in Austin and lots of folks were out enjoying spring break on the Colorado River.

Alice strolled around Shady Grove looking for the perfect picture of the day but this is the one I chose.

When we drove thru the park with Alice we learned that we were a week late for the kite festival. Many of the kites did not leave with their owners.

1 comment:

Barbara and Ron said...

Whew! I'm finally all caught up with my reading. I've never been to Austin. It looks like a really interesting place. That little Finn is adorable.