July 05, 2007

Santa Monica, CA

Early July 5 we headed north again and passed through the quiet coastal towns of Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach. The strand ran alongside the beach with multicolored small houses filling the side streets to the sand and water. In Marina del Rey we came to an upscale area alongside the marina before arriving at Venice Beach, a different kind of place. There is an eclectic group of people - the homeless mingle with those working out at Muscle Beach while others play tennis and use the other exercise facilities provided. Tourists mingle in the shops filled with cheap Chinese merchandise while others skateboard by. And this is at 9 am. This was the center of the beatniks in the 1950s and the hippies in the 1960s.

Further north on Highway 1 we stopped near the Santa Monica Pier and rode the bikes down on the pier to people watch and eat lunch. The pier is lined with small shops, eateries, pier vendors, fishermen, carnival rides, and people enjoying the ocean air.
Near Santa Monica Blvd. we strolled along the 3rd Street Promenade enjoying the shops, tourists, dinosaur fountains, and street performers. This is quite a popular shopping area.
Back on PCH the flat terrain changes to mountains alongside Highway 1 which follows along the beach. Many large homes with big gates line the road.
We got a spot for the night at the Sycamore Creek Campground in Point Magu State Beach but only because we "are handicapped." The state beaches seem to have many open spots each night that they don't release, either because Reserve America "might have made a mistake" or because someone "left early." It makes it very hard to find spots without reservations but most of them charge too much anyway for a site with no amenities. More photos.

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